Title: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Directors: Jeff Fowler
Writer: Pat Casey, Josh Miller, John Whittington
Stars: Jim Carrey, Ben Schwartz, Keanu Reeves
On Prison Island, Shadow has remained in stasis for five decades, but unexpectedly, someone has chosen to awaken him. Filled with rage towards the world, Shadow swiftly overpowers all the armed guards, escapes, and finds himself in Tokyo, where he realizes the extent of his captivity. He pledges to seek vengeance for his friend Maria, prompting the involvement of Team Sonic. Summoned by G.U.N., Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, along with Tom and Maddie, must devise a strategy to confront Shadow. Hesitantly, they ally with Dr. Robotnik, who appears to be in a deteriorated state; however, when his grandfather reemerges, it turns into a frantic effort to save the Earth. Explore the amazing collection of Hollywood movies on HuraWatch TV.
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Directors: Jeff Fowler
Writer: Pat Casey, Josh Miller, John Whittington
Stars: Jim Carrey, Ben Schwartz, Keanu Reeves
On Prison Island, Shadow has remained in stasis for five decades, but unexpectedly, someone has chosen to awaken him. Filled with rage towards the world, Shadow swiftly overpowers all the armed guards, escapes, and finds himself in Tokyo, where he realizes the extent of his captivity. He pledges to seek vengeance for his friend Maria, prompting the involvement of Team Sonic. Summoned by G.U.N., Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, along with Tom and Maddie, must devise a strategy to confront Shadow. Hesitantly, they ally with Dr. Robotnik, who appears to be in a deteriorated state; however, when his grandfather reemerges, it turns into a frantic effort to save the Earth. Explore the amazing collection of Hollywood movies on HuraWatch TV.