Title: Moana 2 2024
Genres: 2024 Movies | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Directors: David G. Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller
Writer: Jared Bush, Dana Ledoux Miller, Bek Smith
Stars: Auli’i Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson, Hualalai Chung
Three years after the conclusion of the previous film, “Moana 2” begins with the title character attempting to lift the curse of Nalo. Which has effectively left people on isolated islands. Moana is scouring the oceans for the fabled island of Motufetu, which is said to have the ability to bring these disparate cultures together. Nevertheless, Nalo has kept it so secret that generations have failed to locate it. Moana sets off with a fresh crew of wayfinders after bidding farewell to her parents, Sina, Tui, and Simea, her younger sister. These include her beloved pig and rooster, as well as three new allies: a warrior named Moni who worships the mythical Maui. Watch all amazing movies on HuraWatch.