Title: Don’t Die 2025
Genres: 2024 Movies | Documentary
Directors: Chris Smith
Writer: Chris Smith
Stars: Mac Davis, Bryan Johnson
Technology entrepreneur Bryan Johnson is now a multimillionaire. Since the sale of Venmo and the subsequent financing of his project, Blueprint, he has made it his mission to prolong his life and lessen the consequences of ageing. The story follows him over the course of ninety minutes as he endeavours to live his best life by exposing himself to experimental techniques meant to question accepted ideas about ageing and death. The movie offers a thorough analysis of Bryan’s daily routine, including the wide range of supplements he takes for different health conditions. It also includes a historical video that explores his early years, his complicated relationship with religion. Enjoy all your favorite movies here on HuraWatch Movies.
Genres: 2024 Movies | Documentary
Directors: Chris Smith
Writer: Chris Smith
Stars: Mac Davis, Bryan Johnson
Technology entrepreneur Bryan Johnson is now a multimillionaire. Since the sale of Venmo and the subsequent financing of his project, Blueprint, he has made it his mission to prolong his life and lessen the consequences of ageing. The story follows him over the course of ninety minutes as he endeavours to live his best life by exposing himself to experimental techniques meant to question accepted ideas about ageing and death. The movie offers a thorough analysis of Bryan’s daily routine, including the wide range of supplements he takes for different health conditions. It also includes a historical video that explores his early years, his complicated relationship with religion. Enjoy all your favorite movies here on HuraWatch Movies.