Title: Mountain Queen: The Summits of Lhakpa Sherpa 2024
Genres: 2024 Movies | Documentary
Directors: Lucy Walker
Writer: Lucy Walker
Stars: Shiny Dijmarescu, Sunny Dijmarescu, Lhakpa Sherpa
In a Whole Foods Market located in Connecticut, a woman from Nepal remains largely unnoticed behind the counter. This documentary focuses on her story. Lhakpa Sherpa, a single mother, relies on public transportation to commute to her job. Those around her are unaware that she has successfully reached the summit of Mount Everest multiple times in her native country. This remarkable achievement, showcasing her extraordinary physical and mental resilience, is even more impressive given her background as an illiterate woman in a deeply patriarchal society. The filmmaker initially shares excerpts from an interview featuring the vibrant Sherpa, who speaks in her hard-earned English. She is adorned in colorful traditional clothing, which stands in stark contrast to her later appearance in mountaineering gear. Watch this amazing documentary in excellent picture quality on HuraWatch Movies.