Title: Mary 2024
Genres: 2024 Movies | Drama
Directors: D.J. Caruso
Writer: Timothy Michael Hayes
Stars: Noa Cohen, Ido Tako, Ori Pfeffer
Mary and her father Joachim are seen in the opening scene of the movie travelling across the desert, fasting and performing penance for forty days, and pleading with God for a child. Noa Cohen is both the narrator and the character in the title. The film begins with Mary’s birth, and King Herod’s tyrannical rule comes to an end with the birth of Jesus, the Messiah. A highlight is the cinematography of Mary, which conjures us a fanciful image of ancient Israel with an Arabian Nights-style metropolis. Noa Cohen is gorgeous as the grown-up Mary, frequently donning simple yet dreamlike gowns right out of a “Dune” film. Enjoy HuraWatch collection of latest Hollywood movies.
Genres: 2024 Movies | Drama
Directors: D.J. Caruso
Writer: Timothy Michael Hayes
Stars: Noa Cohen, Ido Tako, Ori Pfeffer
Mary and her father Joachim are seen in the opening scene of the movie travelling across the desert, fasting and performing penance for forty days, and pleading with God for a child. Noa Cohen is both the narrator and the character in the title. The film begins with Mary’s birth, and King Herod’s tyrannical rule comes to an end with the birth of Jesus, the Messiah. A highlight is the cinematography of Mary, which conjures us a fanciful image of ancient Israel with an Arabian Nights-style metropolis. Noa Cohen is gorgeous as the grown-up Mary, frequently donning simple yet dreamlike gowns right out of a “Dune” film. Enjoy HuraWatch collection of latest Hollywood movies.