Title: Dirty Angels 2024
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Drama, Thriller
Directors: Martin Campbell
Writer: Martin Campbell, Alissa Sullivan Haggis, Jonas McCord
Stars: Eva Green, Maria Bakalova, Ruby Rose
The Islamic soldiers led by Amir captured Jake, who adamantly refused to participate in their violence. Jake was saved in a frantic operation that claimed the lives of multiple men. Just as her life was about to be put to death by stoning. In 2024, she joins a mission led by Travis. Who is organising an attempt to free a group of young ladies who were kidnapped by Amir’s forces from a Pakistani girls’ school. Travis puts Jake in a black ops team with Medic, Bomb, Geek, Shooter, and Rocky after realising her desire for vengeance. The crew, accompanied by drivers Malik and Abbas, attempts to find weaponry by navigating through areas controlled by Taliban and ISS groups. Find all latest movies on HuraWatch.
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Drama, Thriller
Directors: Martin Campbell
Writer: Martin Campbell, Alissa Sullivan Haggis, Jonas McCord
Stars: Eva Green, Maria Bakalova, Ruby Rose
The Islamic soldiers led by Amir captured Jake, who adamantly refused to participate in their violence. Jake was saved in a frantic operation that claimed the lives of multiple men. Just as her life was about to be put to death by stoning. In 2024, she joins a mission led by Travis. Who is organising an attempt to free a group of young ladies who were kidnapped by Amir’s forces from a Pakistani girls’ school. Travis puts Jake in a black ops team with Medic, Bomb, Geek, Shooter, and Rocky after realising her desire for vengeance. The crew, accompanied by drivers Malik and Abbas, attempts to find weaponry by navigating through areas controlled by Taliban and ISS groups. Find all latest movies on HuraWatch.